Ready to get un-stuck??

Stop Judging Yourself So Harshly

And Finally Manage To Prioritise Your Health & Well-Being

The easiest way to feel good ​in your body, optimise your ​weight, have the energy you ​need and feel confident, is to ​follow a proven system that ​nourishes each and every ​part of YOU.

I know how it feels...

You know what you need to do, but for some reason, ​you're just not doing it!...

Woman Walking in Nature

It's time for you to feel ​satisfied in your life ​AND body

...without constantly beating up ​on yourself!

  • Do you often feel like you’re not ​doing enough?

  • Do you feel like you don’t have ​enough?

  • Do you feel like YOU are not ​good enough as you are?...

Let me show you how

to believe in yourself again...

What if you could finally stop ​feeling so overwhelmed...

What if you could learn EXACTLY how to ​boost your energy, build your confidence ​and BE content with your body, ​relationship and career?


Regulate your ​digestion, hormones & ​immunity and gift ​yourself the feeling of ​worthiness.

Tune In

Tune in to the rhythm ​of YOU, learn to trust ​yourself and drop the ​self-judgement, guilt, ​fear, perfectionism and ​procrastination.


Understand your food ​cravings & emotions ​and be willing to care ​for yourself first to find ​Joy, Peace, Flow, Clarity ​and Love.


Make better choices for ​yourself regularly.

Your dis-EASE is not ​your fault but your ​energy is your ​responsibility.

Sure. You can keep ignoring your needs

and push through...

The truth is, most ​women get stuck in ​the exact same place.

They KNOW they need to get to bed ​earlier, but don't!

They KNOW they need to practice ​mindfulness, but don't!

They KNOW they need to spend less ​time on social media, but don't!

They need to exercise more, but don't! ​(They start and quit again and again)

They need to cut out sugar, but don't! ​(They’re controlled by their cravings)

They listen to all the experts, have all ​the notes but don't follow through on ​any of it.....

Which is why I'm on ​a mission to help ​women who ​struggle to follow ​through...

We were never taught how to ​harmonise all the different systems ​in our body, but when you do, ​energy, motivation, focus, ​inspiration... they flow easily from ​the inside out and you don’t need ​to ever again push yourself to do ​what you ‘should’.

This is for YOU if...

Green Check

YOU WANT TO... Feel good in your ​body. Optimise your weight, sleep ​better, have more energy for play AND ​feel joy in your heart.

Green Check

YOU'RE YOUR TIRED OF... Feeling ​bloated, cranky, tired, moody and not ​good enough.

Green Check

YOU DREAM OF... Feeling light, free ​and satisfied in your body, ​relationships and career.

Green Check

YOU'RE READY TO... Prioritise your ​health and wellness and gift yourself ​the time and attention that you need.

No more staying stuck or ​figuring it all out on your own.

You were not meant to ​walk this path alone...

Open the door to knowing yourself ​better.

Realise that you are never alone and ​you do not need to figure this all out ​by yourself.

Be willing to receive and accept all the ​love that is already here fo you, ​constantly flowing your way in many ​different shapes and forms.


The Elemental Self-Care System

12 week online program









This will give you the exact, step-by-step-roadmap ​for having more energy and sticking with your ​healthy habits, without feeling behind all the time.

What's Included

Green Check

Step-by-Step Video Lessons

Short, easy to digest video lessons taking ​you through the 5 elements of TCM and ​your sense organs.

Green Check

Private coaching sessions

3 x 1 hour calls to trouble shoot what’s n​ot working for you, with your individual ​challen​ges and needs.

Green Check

Weekly LIVE Q&A Sessions

Weekly support and accountability to ​stay on track, because you’ve tried on ​your own before and it didn’t work.

Green Check

Printable Workbook

A beautiful downloadable workbook, full ​of information, tips and journaling ​prompts to inspire you on your journey.

Here's an Insiders Look at What You'll Learn:



The Big Picture

The holistic perspective ​behind Traditional Chinese ​Medicine and notice how ​everything is connected.

Badge - Yin Yang

Module 1:

The Real Reason You feel ​stuck + Unsatisfied

This lesson will get you to ​work with your body ​instead of battling yourself ​and pushing against it.


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Circle Shape Outline
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Thin Straight Arrow Marker Line
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Module 2:

The 5 Elements of ​Traditional Chinese ​Medicine

Get to know yourself ​better than ever through ​understanding your ​cravings and emotions.

Sand Dunes in Morocco

Module 3:

Find JOY through the ​Earth Element

Harmonise your digestive ​system, optimise your ​weight, strengthen your ​core and anchor yourself ​where you feel stable.

Stainless Steel Texture

Module 4:

Find PEACE through the ​Metal Element

Strengthen your immune ​systems, increase your ​lungs capacity, breathe ​deeply and relax into the ​now moment.

Drops of Water

Module 5:

Find FLOW through the ​Water Element

Sync. your reproductive ​system, care for your ​hormones, sleep deeply ​and find love, care and ​compassion for yourself.


Module 6:

Find CLARITY through ​the Wood Element

Soothe your menstrual ​cycle, stretch your ​perception, follow your ​dreams and realise that ​you can do what it takes.

Flame Digital Wallpaper

Module 7:

Find LOVE through the ​Fire Element

Balance your ​cardiovascular system, ​ignite your inner-fire, ​transform challenges and ​reconnect from the heart.



Easfull living

Establish a new way of ​being that aligns with your ​values, desires and ​purpose, while keeping a ​sense of ease.

PLUS, You'll Also Get Access to...

Printable downloads

Course Workbook

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what's inside

A beautiful workbook to follow with the video ​lessons, guiding you through your sense organs ​to get curious about what YOU need.

instant access

Course Videos

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what's inside

Short video lessons + Qi-Gong Practices taking ​you through the 5 elements of TCM to finally ​understand yourself and identify your needs.


Live Q&A Calls

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Happy Young Women Friends Having Coffee Break
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what's inside

Group coaching, support, accountability and ​mindset calls to dive deeper into the lessons, ​share your journey and connect.


3 Private Coaching Calls

Woman sitting on the floor in bedroom and having Zoom video conference call via computer withfriend. Zoom Call Meeting. Home as hub during Coronavirus pandemic
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what's inside

You get 3 1:1 coaching calls during the 12 weeks ​of the program to understand YOUR body ​constitution and explore YOUR specific needs.

Happy woman resting comfortably at home

Just imagine what it ​will feel like when...

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You feel good after you eat, not blo​ated or lethargic, because your dig​estive system is harmonised.

Red Heart Shape

You don't catch every bug that goes ​around because your immune system is ​strong.

Red Heart Shape

You feel confident rather than depleted ​because your hormones are synced.

Red Heart Shape

You don't feel like a kuku every month ​because you soothed your menstrual ​cycle.